When and where is the Summit being held?

The Summit will be held at the National Convention Centre Canberra on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country from Tuesday 9 May – Thursday 11 May 2023, with a Welcome Event on 8 May 2023 (5.30pm-8.30pm) and a Gala Dinner on Thursday 11 May (6.00pm-11.00pm). A dedicated one-day Youth Forum will be held on Monday 8 May 2023 for First Nations young women. Please note event times are subject to change. 

Is this event live or virtual?

The Summit is a live, in-person event hosted at the National Convention Centre Canberra. A number of sessions at the Summit will be recorded and made available online via our website.

Who is the Summit for?

The National Summit is first and foremost a gathering for First Nations women (including those who identify as cis, transgender and non-binary) to elevate their voices and solutions.  As such, registration priority will be given to First Nations women and First Nations community-controlled organisations.

Registrations for non-Indigenous attendees are capped and by invitation only, in order to ensure we can create as many opportunities as possible for First Nations women to attend. We appreciate there are non-Indigenous women who provide fundamental caring roles for First Nations women and collaborate on vital community projects. If you have queries about attending the Summit on this basis please contact wyut@conferencenational.com.au

Further, the cultural safety of First Nations women (including those who identify as cis, transfer and non-binary) is priority, with respect, male participation in this conference will be limited to the virtual platform and gathering spaces outside of the Summit’s main plenary and concurrent sessions. 

The Summit will be an important gathering for First Nations women, however there will be future events and opportunities open to non-Indigenous and male allies to connect with the Wiyi Yani U Thangani project in our shared work to achieving Fist Nations Gender Justice in Australia. Please note, gala dinner tickets are open for all (men included) and we encourage you to join us for what will be an incredible evening.

Who can attend the Youth Forum?

The Youth Forum is open to all First Nations women between 18 and 29 years of age (including those who identify as cis, trans and non-binary).

Is sponsorship available for me to attend?

Yes, First Nations women over 18 years old can apply for to be a sponsored delegate to attend the Summit and/or Youth Forum. Please see information on 'Sponsorship for First Nations women' above.

How many tickets can I buy?

Tickets will be limited to one ticket per registration. This will ensure that a wide range of stakeholders have the opportunity to purchase a ticket.

Is the Welcome Event and Gala Dinner included in the Registration Costs?

Yes, the Welcome Event and Gala Dinner is included in the Full Registration ticket and the Youth Forum & Full Registration ticket.  

Can I attend the gala dinner only?

Yes, you can purchase a ticket for Gala Dinner only. Gala Dinner tickets are open to anyone. The cost for this ticket is $110.00 (GST inc).

When should I arrive/leave Canberra?

The formal Summit program begins in the morning of Tuesday 9 May and will conclude in the afternoon of Thursday 11 May. You are invited to attend the Welcome Event on Monday 8 May (5.30pm-8.30pm) and the Gala Dinner on Thursday 11 May (6.00pm-11.00pm). Please note event times are subject to change. 

If you are also attending the Youth Forum, the program of events will commence in the morning of Monday 8 May and will conclude in the afternoon of Thursday 11 May, followed by the Gala Dinner Thursday 11 May (5.30pm-8.30pm). Please note event times are subject to change. 

Details for booking accommodation can be found in the drop-down below. 

Is the venue accessible?

The National Convention Centre Canberra is a fully accessible venue. For further information about the venue (public transport, parking, disability access, health & safety) please visit the NCCC website Visit Information - National Convention Centre Canberra (nccc.com.au).

Can I bring dependent children with me?

We are aware of the need to provide adequate support for parents and caregivers at the Summit and/or Youth Forum. To assist those travelling with infants and children under 5 years of age and for whom they have legal guardianship, there will be a dedicated room onsite at the convention centre for quiet time and nursing stations. Please be aware that no childcare services will be provided, and children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. You must ensure that children in your care do not behave in a manner that unreasonably interferes with other attendees’ safety or enjoyment. Attendees bringing children will be asked to sign a form as part of your registration form acknowledging full responsibility and waiving any right or cause of action, arising as result of your child(ren)’s attendance at the Summit from which any liability may or could accrue to the event organisers.

Will there be support if I feel distressed during the Summit?

There will be a wellbeing space at the summit which is intended to be a safe space for any participants who are feeling a little overwhelmed and need some time to themselves. 

Is there a COVID management plan?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact. We cannot guarantee that participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance will not become infected with COVID-19. Participants choosing to attend the Summit must acknowledge the health risks associated with their attendance and sign a liability waiver as part of their registration. All participants must agree to their duty to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and discontinue their participation immediately and seek appropriate medical attention should they become unwell. At a minimum, we will comply with the ACT Government COVIDSafe requirements which will be reviewed based on Public Health Directions in place at the time of our event.  We will go above and beyond to ensure these requirements are adhered to, to ensure the safety for all attendees.